
Sacred Healing Medicine for the Mind Body & Soul

Mary'sTherapies On-the-Go!

You can get some of our therapies in your home and office!  For an additional $33 to cover setup, breakdown, and travel we will come to you!  Please see below for the list of therapies.

For groups, individuals, parties, and assorted events at your Treasure Valley location of choice, we offer:

·         Intuitive Readings (minimum 1 hour)

·         Reiki Healing Circles  (receive individualized or group energy healings)

·         Space Clearing (design consultation, Feng Shui, space cleansing/smudging and energy clearing)

·         Yoga Instruction --invite as many friends as your space permits. We customized poses and pranayama for your group!  (We can meet you on the beach too!  See below for more info.)

·         Chakra-Tuned Crystal & Copper Singing Bowl Concert (Invite as many friend as your space permits. You can also pair with guided visualizations for your group.)

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Individualized Gatherings

One-one-one, semi-private and groups! 

And we do an event once a month in a beautiful private home in Caldwell, ID.

May include:

·         Guided Visualization & Meditation

·         Singing Bowl Vibrational Healing

·         Personal Yoga Instruction

·         Reflexology

·         Pranayama (Breathwork)

·         Nidra

·         Reiki


We're here to customize your session with our many therapies.

Contact us about any questions you have :)